Datawing Software

In the U.S., approximately 2.5 million miles of pipelines transport roughly two-thirds of domestic energy supplies including crude oil, raw natural gas and natural gas liquids. The safety and security of all pipelines and facilities, regardless of their size, placement, or location is of paramount importance to owners, operators, and the public at-large. DataWing modernizes the services associated with building, operating, monitoring, and inspecting these important assets through the use of proprietary technology and extreme quality standards.

Ultimately, using DataWing’s aerial services improves asset integrity, mitigates risks, facilitates faster decision making, enhances worker safety, and improves executive oversight. DataWing uses both manned and unmanned imagery in advanced photogrammetry-based process to produce high-quality maps exportable to commonly used GIS software. Our aircraft-agnostic mindset allows us to capture mapping data at a wide range of altitudes and cover any size parcel of land. Digital re-creation of all assets with labeling. Interactive 3D models and “street-view” interaction. High resolution photo ortho-mosaics from 2-5cm GSD.

DataWing Global is an end-to-end aerial data services company, helping clients scale and integrate aerial data into day to day operations through a combination of manned and unmanned aircraft as.

Topography and digital terrain maps. Services anywhere in US. DataWing works closely with sister companies, which are all oil and gas affiliated, enough to understand the necessity to monitor and track all assets on a given site. Better data fuels better decisions for both site leadership and executive leadership in the oil and gas space. Be virtually on site without having to physically travel there.

Spatially accurate interactive map. Integrate as-builts, contours, etc. Accurate measurements.

Organized storage of documentation. Esri compatible; integrate easily with existing systems. DataWing uses photogrammetry techniques to create maps and models of all kinds. Harnessing years of experience, DataWing’s perfected techniques produce highly accurate data that is perfect for all phases of new capital projects or repairs. Enhanced route development. Shortened survey deliverable turn-around time. Facility and as-built models and digitization.

Reduced boots-on-the-ground time. Mx vs atv untamed xbox 360 cheats. Land use negotiation support. Environmental monitoring. One data set used by:. Surveyors.

Landmen. Project Engineers.


Environmental. Executives. Meet the DataWing OGI sUAS, designed for stability and reliability down to the core. Powered by a proprietary camera operating system, DataWing enables the user to take full advantage of the mighty FLIR G300a capabilities. Call DataWing to set up your OGI sUAS service today!. Pinpoint hydrocarbon and volatile organic compound releases.

Works in high interference environments. Long distance capable. Integrates with LDAR program.

Increased inspection efficiency. Greater leak detection capability. DataWing uses aerial data to achieve heights normally only viewed with ropes, scaffolding, ladders, and cranes.

DataWing’s experienced team and state-of-the-art technology reduce unnecessary human risk and save millions of dollars. DataWing’s techniques save money by freeing inspectors to do more with their time. Pipeline integrity management. Geohazard analysis. Flood analysis.

Flare tip inspections. Secondary seal inspections. Containment volume calculations. Wetland and vegetation monitoring.