Hero Of The Kingdom Ii Blue Potion

Fable 2 at IGN: walkthroughs, items, maps, video tips, and strategies.

Your uncle Brent raised you as a skilled hunter. Fate, however, gave you a different path than apeaceful village life. An ancient evil awakened, shattering the whole kingdom. Dark monstersclimbed out of holes and people died under the falling mountains. You are left alone to face thegreat evil. You must set out on a long journey through the four valleys and save the kingdom onthe brink of destruction.

Your courage and your skills will forge a new hero of the kingdom. Explore the beautiful country of the four valleys. Help people and fulfill many interesting quests. Fight monsters and advance in many skills. Earn up to 57 achievements. Rated 5 out of5 byCyril48 fromIt's been a long wait 4 years since the last installment and so worth it although because this is so different you could do with them a bit more frequent.

Was it worth the wait,oh yes. No timers, no 3 stars to acheive just take your time and enjoy. Did not bother with the demo just bought it as I knew I would like this but for those whom have never tried this before do get the demo as it may not suit as we are all different. You can just amble around at your own pace acquiring everything you need.Can get a bit frustrating when you can't find something but its all there you may need to find something else to reveal what you are looking for. Just the right type of game for me.

Rated 5 out of5 bypennmom36 fromSUCH A UNIQUE STRATEGY GAME It's been several years since the last Hero of the Kingdom was released and I couldn't wait to play it this morning. I knew within the first few minutes of the demo that this was exactly what I was expecting and I bought it. The graphics are fabulous and I love searching for various supplies and discovering new lands that become available as you progress.In the last episode, a young boy and his sister were the sole survivors of a devastating earthquake.

They have been traveling aimlessly through the woods searching for a new village to live in. A kind and gentle man discovered the orphans and invited them to stay with him in a nearby village.

The man has treated them as one of his own, teaching them basic skills necessary to survive, and in this episode, the storyline focuses on the boy and his journey to become a man and productive member of their village society.You will click on various villagers that have exclamation points above them to receive tasks, completing those tasks will earn you Hero points as well as various food and supplies. A villager may need help finding items such as ingredients, medical supplies, or even lost items. When you have all supplies or ingredients to complete a task, a green checkmark or exclamation point will appear. To find these items you may have to search all available scenes for the necessary items and you may have to Barter with the locals to exchange one item for gold, or gold for an item. There are also hidden crates and barrels that you can click on to receive random supplies.Just like in reality, you need to sleep and eat, so you can click on the Fire Icon on the bottom Right that takes you to the camp where you can sleep and eat to refresh your Heart score (almost instantly) There is also a Backpack Icon located on the bottom Left that shows your inventory.

Rated 5 out of5 bysimcab59 fromGreat game, not enough of them! I was so happy when I saw they had made a new version in this series. I usually play TM games and especially love the ones that involve a little more strategy (Royal Envoy or tower games).

Super mario 64 cheats. When the wing cap runs out Mario will be returned to normal.PALD0381314B2C 80 001981314B2E 2B 0019813D0381314B56 8FB4D0381314B2C 800ED0381314B2E 5F20NTSCD033B146EFC 8018D033B146EFE 3714D033B1D033B146F26 9BB4D033B146EFC 800FD033B146EFE 0860Play as Koopa shell - outside castle (JS)PAL813194CC CE 2C50NTSC8134B89C 80198134B89E 3850Play as Koopa shell - Bob-omb battlefield star 1 (JS)PAL8131DC0C 80188131DC0E C7D0NTSC8134FFDC 80188134FFDE D3D0Play as an Oyster in Jolly Roger Bay Star 1 (JS)Go to Jolly Roger Bay and select star 1. Once you are in the course turn the code on to play as an oyster.PAL8131D74C 80178131D74E E5908131D71D776 8B04NTSC8134FB1C 80178134FB1E F1908134FB4FB46 9704Thanks to YouTube user pab2000k for these codes:NTSCPotatoe thing (Bob-Omb foot)D134B89E 08608134B89C 8019D134B89E 08608134B89E 3A88NTSCTooth Looking thing (Mario's nose???

This is a strategy game all the way! It reminds me of RPGs from years ago where you have to search for things, talk to people, get clues on what to do next, sleep, gather food, improve skills, etc. This is a game where time flies by and you don't realize you've been playing for two hours. I was so sorry to get to the end last time, and I'm sure it will be the same this time! Please make more games like this one!!

Rated 5 out of5 byjoybelle1 fromIt's a Quest Fest! I gave this game 5 stars after a real struggle between love and like. Because I have played the other two in the series, I love it.

It is an offering which relies purely on its merits of strategy to solve quests and open territories to solve yet even more quests,as well as finding and collecting extremely tiny hidden objects scattered through the whole game (with back and forthing) in order to do it.You must buy and sell items with traders to gain gold, solve peoples needs to gain favour and hearts and gold, pay others to help you along your way, learn how to hunt, battle, fish,and then on top of that even going to sleep to stay strong is not even free. You need food and hearts.The game is not anything amazing at all to look at, in fact quite dull in terms of animation, but the challenge of the journey is such that I don't care because of the game play.The journey is slow and stressless other than the thinking involved in the choices you make, so if you are not patient person, this is not the game for you. I also don't think this is the game for beginners to the series. There is no hint button (although internet help is out there), and the tutorial is not very explanatory. So I am saying it is a great game as an experienced player. I would start with game one if not.

I really do recommend the series!So if you have played before, there is nothing much new here, it's just a different journey. I am enjoying it though because I am on top of what I have to do. My confusion levels are low because of the familiarity.Try the demo. Its a game where personal taste counts for a lot in what you expect from a strategy/adventure. Rated 5 out of5 bytacgof fromMaybe better than the first two. Strategy galore!

I have the other two in this series and play them over and over. Never with the same strategy,you are in control of your adventure. There is no right or wrong way to advance.Gather goods laying around, complete tasks to gain food, money and status. Help towns folks and nobles to reach your goals.There are differences In this one and a new story line.I am addicted to HotK #3. I could barley stop to let you know how much I recommended this game.It is a different kind of game. Strategy, creative thinking and a good memory.Give it and try and some time, and if you truly like adventure you will love this game.

Used a credit. What a gift:). Rated 5 out of5 byHespera fromAll Hail Our Hero - Again!!! I played all three of the Hero series. This third installment is by far the best and the hardest. There is no dying (except for the monsters you kill and the animals you hunt).

You (or your avatar) can't die. It's not like a Virtual Reality so much. It's more like a Role-Playing game with training wheels. In the first two games, you had to find food, get money, kill the bad guys, and be the hero. But the amount of resources were limited (animals, mushrooms, eggs, berries, etc.) and the only things you could eat were bread, cheese, fruit and meat, (none of which you had to prepare).

The second one was the same, so far as the limited cuisine and resources were concerned, but you could also catch and sell other things, like fish, crayfish, shield fish, etc. In each of the two earlier versions you could find people with the best buying and selling prices for goods, etc. And you had to buy potions, tools, yada, yada. You could only camp in specified places and at each camp you could only eat a specified item.In this endeavor, you can camp anywhere. While at camp, you can cook (you learn recipes which use meat, fish, eggs, mushrooms, roots, salt), make potions (which use ingredients you also find, such as frogs, spider venom, algae, flowers, mushrooms, sulfur), and also forge weapons. You are expected to learn and master a total of 9 skills (Combat, Archery, Fishing, Cooking, Herbalism, Alchemy, Lock Picking, Mining, and Smithing).

The skills are tiered so you can progress, i.e., initially, you start out shooting one sort of animal (with arrows), then progress to different animals, after you've gained so many points. The same is true for the combat skill - you get so many points for each monster killed (but re-kills don't count for points). As you get more and more points, your combat skill grows, as does your weapon skill. You start able to use a bow and a sword, then you gain the use of a shield and spear, etc. It's very much like real life.It's very much a patience game.

You can't try to move to far too fast, or you'll find yourself held back by either money or skill. You won't be able to afford the weapons you need, or you won't be able to kill the monsters you need to kill because of your low skill level.I love what they did in this game. The ability to make your potions, cook your food, forge your weapons - all of it brilliant! The regenerating resources - absolutely necessary and flawlessly done.

But I'll warn you, don't get too comfy or cozy once you get the hang of the game and get some money under your belt.because they threw in a few surprises to keep you going.There are 4 valleys - the Green Valley, where you start - the Yellow Valley, where you are sent to seek help - and the Grey Valley, where you go when you find no help in the Yellow Valley. The Azure Valley is really the Castle and grounds. If you think of them as levels, each one is harder than the one before.

The ONE thing I don't like about the game (and it's only because I'm extremely OCD) is in this offering, there is no place to sell your excess tools, junk stuff that you get so much of in crates and barrels. Sonic forces nintendo switch. You can sell your excess food (individual items, not made recipes), potions, flowers, frogs, fish, mushrooms, eggs, weapons (forged only), but there is nowhere to sell your bows, arrows, ropes, torches, cauldrons, fry pans, lock picks, nets, fishing poles, hooks, etc, all of which you receive from crates and barrels! It's so annoying to have all this junk at the end of the game that you can't sell!

LOL I'm looking at all that money that's just sitting on my screen and crying.:( Great game. Suggest Demo First to see if it's your cup of tea.

Rated 5 out of5 bybeezelbom fromThe Best! This is with out a doubt one of the best games I have played in a long time. I went and replayed the first two to help get a feel for the game play style before starting this one. It sucked me in and I had a hard time stopping to do other things, you know like eating, sleeping, etc. When I had to stop to take care of business I could hardly wait to return. I play a wide variety of games but really enjoy this style of game. It reminds me a lot of the old D & D type of games visually.

I will be replaying this one many times in the future, and hoping for more from this developer. Rated 5 out of5 bydactulwench1 fromWish These Types of Games Were Released More Often!! Absolutely love this game series, and this newest version is no exception. It's a seemingly simple concept/design, which is often referred to as a point and click adventure or strategy game. I don't understand why there aren't tons of these games out there!!!!You have to collect and sell resources in villages/areas to earn food, gold, or materials for creating weapons, fishing implements, potions, cooking devices, etc. Weapons can be bought or created (later in the game) to hunt for food, fight demons, etc.

You have to complete various missions, with the ultimate goal of saving the land from an invasion by demons/orcs and the Earthquaker. You are eventually given a map that can help you navigate the kingdom. It's very casual. Sometimes the resource collection can be repetitive, but you can do it at your leisure, so it makes up for it. Resources do respawn, so no worries if you need more of an item; keep playing and it will pop up again eventually. Luxury items (e.g., pearls) do take longer, as can be expected.Have to admit, the storyline and design got a bit cheesy when it got to the 'Earthquaker' (you'll see) - almost childish/cartoonish - but it's my only complaint.Tips (since BF did away with the forums for game tips): you can continue to play after you beat the final enemy; however, it seemed to me that the re-spawns are much slower afterwards.

If you're one who likes to get all of the achievements like me, then try to get any achievements that rely on resource collection before you complete the final battle. Oh, and start catching fish with hooks early on to get the golden fish achievement by the end of the game. Lock picking is also something that can take awhile, so start on that as soon as you have ability (middle of the game). Chests respawn also.