Symmetry Financial
No place is perfect to work at. I have been with the company for awhile. I have seen people come and go for different reasons. They do expect you to work 40-45 hours a week. It's not a place you can just come in and think you’re going to coast. Your expected to be one of the best in the industry when working here.
You will learn and grow. If not, you will not last long. You are expected to work after hours as needed. It's not all the time, but in this line of business you should expect it. One of the things I like is the ability to constantly learn new stuff in my field. We always have customers wanting the latest and greatest, that you will need to become familiar with quickly. You meet lots of people here, and everybody is willing to help as needed.
If you don’t know something, somebody here does. On the downside, you are expected to constantly learn. They are not big on sending you for training. They do like it when people get certified. They do give bonuses for different things. Cons are hours. The first few months were slow, but after the trust is built you are expected to work many hours far and beyond 60 a week.
About Symmetry Financial Group Safety for your family: It is our goal to provide you with coverage that enables you to live the life you want to live if the unthinkable were to happen. Run race 3d free. Each of our state licensed representatives are independent brokers, and with that freedom we have the resources to provide you with endless options, the best coverage, and prices that fit your family’s needs.
Bus simulator 2015 online game. The worst part of this expectation is that most of the time is always required on the weekends. A family life is almost frowned upon at this company, and you are threatened constantly with employment or write ups if you don't fulfill their requirements. This is why a bulk of their new hires are college students who can handle this style of work. Another con would be the salary. From basis admin to mid to senior their salaries are non-competitive at all with the rest of the industry in Wisconsin and/or outside of it.
It's very stale, and the restrictions set in place to get a good size increase are very severe. I don't mind working dreadful hours for a job if they compensate you well, however this job demands high hours with little payout besides the experience you might gain. Lastly the management is a revolving door. In a span of one year I had 4 different managers.
The client managers are under-experienced with their people skills and suffer from the same issues as the staff above. The message of the future is always un-clear. The execs that run the company separate themselves completely from the rest of the staff and show little concern. Multiple people have left because of these people during my employment. I would say almost a 30% turnover. A word of warning. Pay attention to the non-compete you sign when you come on board with this corporation if you make that mistake.
If you find better employment in the same field they are.