Yesterday Movie Review
After Bohemian Rhapsody and Rocketman. Yesterday is the next movie based on the classic song sang by a classic musicians. But unlike Bohemian Rhapsody and Rocketman which are biography movies. Yesterday is a fantasy comedy movie which is a different take from the previous two. Did the movie deliver or did the movie disappoint. Film review: Yesterday. The latest romcom from Richard Curtis is a fanciful – and hilarious – homage to The Beatles. Caryn James is won over.
Have you seen Goodnight Sweetheart? Is basically a feature-length version of Gary's habit of claiming credit in the past for popular songs, solely focused on The Beatles.Singer-songwriter Jack Malik (former star Himesh Patel) might be playing Latitude, but it's only to a handful of people – and most of them are his friends and dedicated manager Ellie (Lily James).After a bus accident during a freak worldwide blackout, Jack wakes up in a world where The Beatles never existed, leaving him with a moral dilemma.
Does he rip off their songs to achieve the stardom he's tried to get his entire life? Of course he does.But as his star rises and he becomes an worldwide sensation, Jack risks losing everything from his old life, including Ellie. Were The Beatles right? Is love all you need? Jonathan Prime UniversalThere will be some of you reading this who visibly recoil from that plot, especially when we mention the presence of Ed Sheeran.
Driving school 2016 mod. Yesterday probably won't prove to everyone's tastes, but those who dismiss it out of hand would be missing out on what is likely to be the crowdpleasing hit of the summer.A large part of this is down to the engaging performances of Himesh Patel (in his first big-screen role) and Lily James, who share great chemistry. You're fully behind their friendship and feel all the heartbreak. Neither of them are the cool kids, and their endearing characters help sell the outrageous concept.They're backed up by some wonderful supporting work from Sanjeev Bhaskar and Meera Syal as Jack's adorably oblivious parents and Kate McKinnon as Jack's new cold-hearted agent. The only duff note is a wooden performance from Ed Sheeran (as himself), but fortunately he isn't in it much and the movie pokes a lot of fun at him.
UniversalAnd while Jack's music career plays out more like a subplot to his relationship with Ellie, Curtis and Boyle mine the movie's set-up for sharp gags at the expense of the music industry, Oasis, Coldplay and The Beatles' album titles. It's consistently funny throughout – but don't expect too many jokes about The Beatles themselves.Yesterday doesn't exactly rip up the rulebook, but subtly tweaks the expected romcom formula throughout.As expected from a Richard Curtis movie, there are plenty of heart-to-heart conversations and the prerequisite dash to the airport (well, this time, Liverpool Lime Street station). The destination might always be set in stone, yet there's a long and winding (and surprising) road to get there.That being said, there is one plot development in the final third that will cause plenty of debate. Some might even find it a bit distasteful, while for others, it'll be a seriously emotional moment. It's not enough to derail the movie if you don't approve of it though.
UniversalBy the time its heartwarming climax comes around (with a big public declaration, naturally), Yesterday will have won you over again. You'll leave the cinema with a full heart, tears in your eyes and singing Beatles songs all the way home.All together now. Nah nah nah, nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah nah.Yesterday is in cinemas now.Director: Danny Boyle; Starring: Himesh Patel, Lily James, Kate McKinnon, Ed Sheeran; Running time: 116 minutes; Certificate: TBCWant up-to-the-minute entertainment news and features? Just hit 'Like' on our and 'Follow' on our.