Natural Selection 2 Tutorial
There are two tools in this tutorial now:LaunchMap('LaunchMap'): For quick testing. It will copy your map in the correct folder, generate the overview for your map and launch NS2 with it.ZipMap('ZipMap'): For packaging your map for distribution. It will ask for the final map name so you can have your own version control different from the main publishing one. It will generate a zip file with your level and overviews on your desktop with the specified name.
Any further custom content has to be included manually.LAUNCHMAPDownload this file and unzip it anywhere you want. I have it in my maps folder.These are the contents of the LaunchMap.bat file:CODE:copy%1 ns2maps /YOverview.exe%1 ns2start NS2.exe map%2As you can see it's not overly complicated.Now, open Spark and go to Tools - External Tools. Set a Title for your 'Tool', I have it set to Test Map.In Command, select your.bat file.In Arguments, you need to put this (WITH quotes): '$(ItemPath)' '$(ItemFileName)'It has to look like this.As you can see, I have a separate one that's just Install Map, it's a second batch file without the last line, so it doesn't launch NS2 again in case I have it launched already.ZIPMAPI have another 'tool', it's the ZipMap('Entity') utility, which will make a compressed zip with your map file and the overview and set the name that you prefer.
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For example, you can be working on ns2mymaptestalpha2012.level but want to release it as ns2mymap (or the other way around). You can generate the zip with the map name that you want and all the files will have the correct names.
The zip will automatically appear on your desktop.This one is a little more complex as it involves 3 files, unzip all the files to a folder of your choosing, and then do the same as with the LaunchMap batch file, but in this case, you have to use ZipMap.bat.Now for maximum awesome, you can go to Tools - Settings and you can assign a keyboard shortcut to this new tool. So I usually press Ctrl+T when I want to test my map and I have it ready to go with a freshly generated overview.Hopefully this helps people.
Natural selection ta notes updated: fall 2013 natural selection: the differential survival and reproductive success of variant individuals within population. Sign in Register; Hide. BISC 102 - Natural Selection. TA Notes - Lab. Simon Fraser University. General Biology BISC 102. Academic year.